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Kelham Photo Walk - Old and New

Kelham Photo Walk - Old and New

Sunday 16 February
Cornwall Works - 10am - 2 Hours
Sheffield Photography Group
David Stones
A leisurely walk around the Kelham Island district of Sheffield which has a rich history alongside modern 'state of the art' living. We will explore how buildings from these two different eras exist side by side in the same area. In this meet up we will aim to capture powerful images that document the changing face of the area through manipulation of composition, viewpoint and juxtaposition.
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Angles and Views

Angles and Views

Sunday 23 March
Sheffield City Centre - 10am - 2 Hours
Sheffield Photography Group
David Stones
In this session we'll be looking at Sheffield buildings and considering how we can challenge ourselves to find new viewpoints and perspectives when out with our camera. Looking for strong urban landscape compositions that emphasise angles and points of view. How can familiar subjects be shown in unusual and interesting ways ?
How can we manipulate our camera settings to enhance our intentions ?

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Sunday 06 April
Sheffield City Centre - 10am - 2 Hours
Sheffield Photography Group
David Stones
Composition in Photography - How as photographers we arrange visual elements within the frame. In this meet up we will explore some of the basic ideas that can enhance your photography. Some of the points we may consider -1. The Rule of thirds. 2 . Repeated shapes. 3. Negative and positive space. 4. Real and imaginary lines. 5. Using symmetry and pattern. 6. Focal points. 7. Creating balance. 8. Using colour and tone. Join me to begin to manipulate these ideas in order to enhance the scene you wish to photograph.
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Industrial Landscape Photography

Industrial Landscape Photography

Sunday 13 April
Saville Street - 10am - 2 Hours
Sheffield Photography Group
David Stones
Industrial Landscape - You can use buildings and other human-made structures compositionally in the same way other landscape photographers use trees and rolling hills. Sheffield has a rich industrial heritage -Whilst not considered traditionally 'picturesque' places like factories, cement works, power stations, warehouses, pylons and building sites can be interesting subject matter. As well as documenting the world we live in today you will hone your skills in composition and selecting different viewpoints to create effective images.
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Beginner's Photography Class

Beginner's Photography Class

Sunday 27 April
Clarkehouse Rd, Broomhall - 10am - 3 Hours
Sheffield Photography Group
David Stones
Time to finally get around to learning the basics about DSLR photography! Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure ? Now is your chance! Join us as we break down the functions of your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings all affect your exposure enabling you to select the best settings for the job. All without too much jargon and 'tech' overkill ! We will also look at basic ideas of composition and analyse examples of work from other photographers. We will then put your new knowledge to the test with a series of creative tasks - All with the guidance of a experienced educator and photographer.
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£67       3 places left
Black and White Photography

Black and White Photography

Sunday 11 May
Broomhall - 10am - 2 Hours
Sheffield Photography Group
David Stones
Why do some things look better in black and white ? Using the urban environment as our stimulus we will aim to create a set of images that showcase the qualities and possibilities of the black and white medium, after looking at and discussing some key examples from the past..
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Come along to our meetups to improve your art in a relaxed and social atmosphere, and under the guidance of a professional instructor. Complete beginners to experienced artists all welcome.

Our 2 hour meetups are held in a different location each time, usually outdoors.

Bring your own materials which can be anything from pencils or pastels, to watercolour or oils.

If you are a complete beginner all you need to start are a couple of good drawing pencils, a rubber, and a drawing pad.

Who can attend? Open to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced artists. The instructor is there to help everyone.

The meeting point and full details for the day are sent in the booking confirmation email to the email address you provide at time of booking.

Join the Facebook Group here to share your art and enjoy the art of other locals.

You can also subscribe here to receive notifications of upcoming events.

Our meetups and classes are limited to a max of 12 people
A thoroughly enjoyable workshop. Godwin created a relaxed and encouraging atmosphere. The feedback and advice was positive and encouraging.
I had a lovely few hours playing with paint. My first ever lesson. It was fun and relaxed . Excellent patient teaching. I am looking forward to booking my next class
Melbourne Art Group
Sheffield Art Group
Title or Location: Curbar Village from The Edge
Painted en plein air from Curbar Edge looking down into the valley towards Curbar Village. The autumn colours were inspiring and became a a key feature of the oil painting on canvas. The vertical format was chosen to enable the rocks either side of the view to frame the scene in a creative way with a repeat pattern of V shapes repeated throughout the design. A bag of gritstone was hung from the easel on a butchers hook to anchor the large canvas and prevent it from blowing away like a sail. The
Credit: Craig Longmuir
Facebook: artcraiglongmuir
Instagram: artcraiglongmuir

Sheffield Art Group
Title or Location: "BANG"
I'm hoping to do a series of ink drawings, to celebrate October spooky season, and give this lady clown centre stage!
Credit: Heather Tomlinson
Facebook: Northernburn71
Instagram: Northernburn71
Knoxville Art Group
Sheffield Art Group
Title or Location: "BIG FUN"
This lovely lady is celebrating October, the spooky season, and as we all love clowns, I'm going to do a series of them, because I love using pen and ink, and we will see what mischief she can create!
Credit: Heather Tomlinson
Facebook: Northernburn71
Instagram: Northernburn71

Knoxville Art Group
Sheffield Art Group
Title or Location: BRITNEY BOT
I started off drawing a figure dancing, I wanted it to be an abstract so I changed the curves for more angular shapes but tried to keep some curvy lines in the drawing as well. I used Faber-Castell ink pens, on watercolour paper.
Credit: Heather Tomlinson
Facebook: Northernburn71
Instagram: Northernburn 71
Knoxville Art Group

Sheffield Art Group
Title or Location: "THOUGHT"
I love using inkpens, and creating a weblike effect, I wanted the head to look suspended in a web, like a dream or a thought.
Credit: Heather Tomlinson
Facebook: Northernburn71
Instagram: Northernburn71
Brisbane Art Group
Sheffield Art Group
Title or Location: Weathered by Death Valley
I've been having serious problems with artistic motivation recently, because I haven't been to an art class for almost a year, and the people there were my support group and encouragement.Anyhow, I lost my mojo again, but managed to find some down the back of the sofa. I wanted to paint, needed to paint, but didn't know what.A Facebook page where people post references came to the rescue. I scanned through, and an image struck me: a weathered and dilapidated hut in death Valley. The lighting
Credit: Nikki Arnold
Facebook: Nikki Arnold
Instagram: magpienikki

Harrisburg Art Group
Title or Location: King of St. Thomas
Saw this big fella sitting like he owned the island on top a boulder in St Thomas. Snapped a pic of him and just had to paint him in all his regality.
Credit: Mary Migala
Facebook: Migala Art
Instagram: Migala Art
Portland Art Group
Title or Location: auslander
a painting for my mothers birthday based on one of her trips. not part of my normal body of work but a decent bit of impressionism imho
Credit: jerre teague
Instagram: @st_jman
Buffalo Art Group
Title or Location: Year of the Snake
2025 is the year of the Snake, so I decided to paint one for the lunar new year. This is on black shuen paper and I used sumi ink and Japanese metallic colors.
Credit: Andrea Caprio

Allentown Art Group
Title or Location: Allentown pa
I decided to paint an ominous cloud structure to give that foreboding feeling, the hurry up before the storm makes it in type of feeling. I think I successfully conveyed that with the tumultuous clouds, the turmoil that?s going on as well as the darkening skies underneath.
Credit: Dave Heintzelman
Oklahoma City Art Group
Title or Location: In my studio
This horse reminded me of peaceful times so I created it in pastels. Pastels are soft and moody and we have all stood alone at times in this mood. I really like this angle of a horse because it seems like he just finished something and is standing for a bit in the sunshine and wind.
Credit: Crystal Goertzen
Instagram: cgoertzenart
Bournemouth Art Group
Title or Location: beautiful Afghanistan woman (image from web)
...trying to get more practice with oil....
Credit: Umberto

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